Colombia Pink Bourbon, Finca Los Naranjos


This lovely coffee is from Colombia, Huila, San Agustin…

Weight: 16oz

We’re proud to offer you our latest Lantern Collection coffee. We love our coffees from Colombia with all of it’s diverse selection of varieties (and range of flavors).

The Cup: Panela and dark chocolate with mellow fresh citrus flavors. Tangy malic acidity and mild  sweetness.

Colombia is best-known for its Washed coffees. While the processing details might vary slightly from farm to farm or by association, generally the coffee is picked ripe and depulped the same day, then given an open-air fermentation in tanks or buckets for anywhere between 12–36 hours. The coffee is washed clean of its mucilage before being dried either on patios, in parabolic dryers, solar driers, or mechanically. Some Washed coffees in Colombia are mechanically demucilaged.

Pink Bourbon

Pink Bourbon: Cultivated from hybridization of Red and Yellow Bourbon. It’s rare, but the producers say it is quite resistant to rust. Pink and Orange Bourbons are difficult to produce with consistency. The recessive genes leading to the expression of these colors are easily thwarted by the presence of yellow and red genes in a given pollen grain. A carefully isolated and contained lot can do quite well and preserve the unique color and character of this variety, though this is quite hard to find.


Located in southwestern Colombia, Huila is nestled in-between the Central and Eastern ranges of the Andes, with the middle area called the Magdalena Valley. The variation in elevation results in Huila being one of the country’s most unique and complex regions of coffee production. Its terroir, climate, and harvest cycles all contribute to the quality of coffee produced here. The most impressive quality behind the coffees coming out of Huila lies in the people producing them. While Huila accounts for nearly 20% of the country’s production, 80% of coffee producers operate on less than three hectares

Wilson Jesus Ortega Muñoz runs a 2-hectare farm called Finca Los Naranjos in the San Agustin area of Huila. Alongside around 2000 coffee trees, he also grows corn, bananas, and arracacha. Fly crop runs from June through August with the main harvest taking place from November through January. He produces around 1500 kgs of coffee per year.

When harvesting, the cherry is picked and left for 12 hours before depulping. Then it is put in tanks for 50 hours to ferment. From there the coffee is washed and taken to the drying room where it dries for around 20 days to reach the desired moisture content.

In recent harvests, he has faced challenges from changes in the climate and the high costs of fertilizer and labor.

Farmer: Wilson Jesus Ortega Muñoz
Region: San Agustin, Huila
Country: Colombia
Altitude: 1623 MASL
Varieties: Pink Bourbon
Process:  Washed
Drying:  Sun-dried


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