Drunken Pirate Decaf Flavored Coffee


Inspired by the popular rum liquor, our Drunken Pirate infuses a touch…

Weight: 16oz

SKU: DFLSPICBUTR Categories: ,

Rrrrrrggggg….Ahoy Matey! Spiced Buttered Rum. That’ll warm your cockles! If you know what’s good for you, you’ll try our newest decaf flavored coffee, The Decaffeinated Drunken Pirate. You’ll enjoy flavors of creamy butter blended with molasses, brown sugar, vanilla and warm spices of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves infused with rum* flavor. You’ll enjoy it or you’ll walk the gang plank!

*This luxurious, comforting cocktail flavored coffee contains “no real alcohol”.


Our Decaf Flavored coffee beans are “decaffeinated” using the Swiss Water Processed technique.

Just like the comforting boozy cocktail, our Drunken Pirate is the first to kick off our new boozy flavors selection.


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